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Executive & Senior Team Effectiveness Review

A highly impactful leadership effectiveness review, designed around accelerating principles to deliver impact and actionable insights at every stage
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What can you expect

The pace of change and uncertainty is a constant for every organisation globally. In order to meet the increasing complexity of demands now placed on Executive and Senior Teams, it is vital that you are operating at the highest possible level as a team.

At MRA we know that the most successful teams are interdependent and interconnected; as a single entity they are fundamental for future sustainable growth within organisations.

This knowledge, combined with the highly credentialled Executive Team Coaches at MRA who are also qualified in Corporate Governance, and our Accelerating Principles philosophy, brings us certainty that our partnership together will deliver exceptional results and impactful insights and actions for your team.

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Post Graduate Qualified Executive Team Coaches

With qualifications from Henley Business School specifically in Board & Team Coaching global best practice

Structured insights led approach

Maximising insights and data using the MRA Accelerating Principles framework

Qualified in Corporate Governance and Statutory Directorship

The MRA Team Coaches combine deep business understanding as well as Team Coaching expertise to ensure an impactful experience for your team

Your effectiveness review

Your team effectiveness review journey is constructed around the bespoke MRA Accelerating Principles diagnostic, designed specifically with your team in mind:


What is the core purpose of your team? What is the vision and ambition of the team?


Are there any statutory Directors in this team, and are they clear on their legal responsibilities? What is your corporate governance framework? How aware is the team of their individual strengths, preferences and values? How do these translate into team behaviours?


How much do team members trust each other? Who drives the culture? Who holds the power?


How can you provide the appropriate amounts of high support / high challenge to create a truly Adult:Adult performance environment?


What governance is in place when this team comes together? How much do the team focus on activities that only the team could and should be focussing on? What leadership styles are prevalent within the team and what impact does this have?

At the top

How ready are you as a leader of the organisation or team to fully engage in this process from a systemic perspective and fully listen and accept the feedback about your teams effectiveness and your leadership of them?


Are you seen as a value creating team for all of your stakeholders across your entire ecosystem? Are you clear on your team’s impact on the system you operate within? How do you know what everyone needs from this team both now and in the long term?

Programme overview

Individual, team and organisation insights-led interviews

We will begin our partnership by conducting individual interviews with the team and broader selected stakeholders from across your organisation. The MRA diagnostic will be used to drive conversations around the seven Accelerating Principles, whilst also focussing on best practice corporate governance. This phase will provide transparent system-wide insights, identifying areas of alignment and opportunities for growth through a systemic lens

Our Pledge

Insights led and impact guaranteed...

“We commit to delivering the very best that Team Effectiveness has to offer, through our unrivalled credentials and extensive experience working with Senior Leadership teams globally. This experience is always insights led and impact guaranteed. Working in partnership and always with your system in mind.”

Sophie T
Director of Team and Board Coaching

Unlock your potential today

When you are ready to take the next step in your professional coaching journey please reach out to our team at MRA and we will be very happy to schedule a call to ensure you are confident in the programme you have selected.