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Creating a culture of Mental Wellness with MAN UK

Organisations across the world continue to invest heavily in a wide range of health and wellbeing packages and resources to demonstrate their commitment to their people.

3 min read

Organisations across the world continue to invest heavily in a wide range of health and wellbeing packages and resources to demonstrate their commitment to their people. Fantastic. But packages and resources alone do not create a workforce who are resilient and mentally well. It’s about the conversation that goes around it, and a two-way conversation at that.

And let’s be clear….

“The evidence shows that if people who are experiencing the early symptoms of mental ill health feel comfortable to talk about them – particularly in the workplace – it can prevent these symptoms from developing into an illness”

With a global disease burden from mental ill health now sitting at number 4 of the causes of world-wide physical ill health (with only cardiovascular, cancer and musculoskeletal disorders sitting above it), the significance cannot be underestimated. And there really is no debate.

Yet there is hope.

The MRA team are proud to partner with organisations such as MAN UK, who are leading the way in creating space and time for Mental Wellness conversations across every level; starting with the MD and the full Board. No one will be missed out in this crucial conversation.

Taking the Board through an experience based on developing personal and team understanding of their own Resilience and Wellbeing, followed by a conversation enabling a deep understanding of Mental Wellness, a roll-out programme co-led by business area leaders with MRA Professional Coaches, began. The power of normalising mental wellness discussions, acknowledging and sharing their own stories, and recognising that we are all on a mental health continuum, has created an environment at MAN UK that is both new and enriching for the organisation.

And what’s even more important is that the whole organisation is looking into the systemic ways of embedding their learning even further, to include:

  • The full HR team to become qualified Mental Health First Aiders
  • Wellbeing questions to become the norm for all employees during performance conversations
  • A new Management Development programme to be designed with specific modules to give all Line Managers the confidence to talk openly about mental wellness with confidence
  • A programme of supervision for the HR team who regularly face into the emotionally challenging conversations surrounding mental ill health
  • Enhanced communications around the MAN UK comprehensive suite of resources to aid employee health and wellbeing, ensuring everyone fully understands the support available to them

Now that’s commitment, right there!

Our ambition at MRA is to partner with organisations so that they get as comfortable talking about mental wellness as they do talking about physical wellness. We know that….

“Depression is the number one disability worldwide”

So it’s just not an option. And with post Covid research showing that 24% of people who have contracted Covid-19 will experience neurological and mental health challenges of some kind, it is vital that all organisations step up and engage their workforce, now.

What is the culture of mental wellness like in your organisation? A few questions to ask yourself:

  • How comfortable are you in talking about your own mental wellness?
  • What is the impact of this answer on how you engage others with open discussions about their mental wellness?
  • How proactive are you in developing strategies to maintain your own mental wellness?
  • And therefore, as a leader, how much emphasis do you put on supporting your teams to proactively develop their mental wellness?

Have a think, and when you are ready to talk to one of the MRA team of Professional Coaches to guide you through how we are helping organisations like MAN UK please do reach out to us. We are here to help. The clock is ticking…

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