What You Can Expect
The Strengthscope psychometric tool aims to raise self-awareness through the lens of strengths – those things that both energise us and that people are highly capable of achieving.
Knowing our innate strengths allows people to focus their attention and activities on the areas where they will have the greatest impact and achieve the best outcomes for themselves and their organisation.
Analysis of 24 performance related strengths is split into 4 categories as follows:
Identifying and then using strengths makes people more confident, engaged with work, productive and able to build better relationships with colleagues.
Emotional strengths
Courage, emotional control, enthusiasm, optimism, resilience, self-confidence
Relational strengths
Collaboration, compassion, developing others, empathy, leading, persuasiveness, relationship building
Thinking strengths
Common sense, creativity, critical thinking, detail orientation, strategic mindedness
Execution strengths
Decisiveness, efficiency, flexibility, initiative, results focus, self-improvement
Unlock your potential today
When you are ready to take the next step in your professional coaching journey please reach out to our team at MRA and we will be very happy to schedule a call to ensure you are confident in the programme you have selected.